Why Invest In Unlisted Shares?

What Is Unlisted Shares? Unlisted shares (Unlisted Stocks) are those shares of the companies which are not yet listed on any exchange (BSE or NSE) and therefore it can’t trade publicly. The shareholders of such companies do not get the power which are available to the shareholders of companies listed on stock exchanges. These unlisted companies may get listed in future on the stock exchanges (BSE, NSE). You can facilitate to trades in such unlisted shares by matching buyers and sellers thereby enabling liquidity to current shareholders and enabling new investors to participate in future growth of the company. Why Choose Planify To Buy Unlisted Shares? Planify Capital Limited is one of the India's largest Fintech company that is focused to build India's first private equity and stock exchange platform. You can buy & sell shares of those companies that are not yet listed to any exchange (BSE, NSE). It aims to solve the issue of availability of IPO stocks to inves...